At Physician Factor, we're passionate about supporting the knowledge transfer and shared expertise among physicians to drive improvements across healthcare, as well as career development. Here we spotlight news and trends of interest to physicians in our network.
What is Physician Factor? This knowledge exchange network is a dedicated portal for physicians seeking opportunities to contribute their expertise and input in exchange for compensation and supplemental income.

How Group Practices Can Plan for Partial Retirements
Over the next decade, two out of every five practicing US physicians will be over the age of 65, according to a report from the Association of American Medical Colleges. It is likely that some of the nation’s clinicians will clearly consider partial retirement within group practice settings.
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Report: 90% of Nurses Considering Leaving the Profession in the Next Year
Shawn Sefton, RN, talks about the results of a new survey of RNs, the key problems it identified – and how technology can help, rather than exacerbating burnout. She has experienced first-hand the operational, staffing and scheduling challenges that plague the U.S. nurse workforce, having worked as a nurse and in various nurse leader roles for decades.
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Digital Patient Engagement Tackles the Labor Crisis, Improves the Patient Experience
The detrimental effects of COVID-19 changed health care, possibly forever. Patients are demanding more control and a safer, simplified experience. For health care workers, the pandemic has led to increased burnout, concerns about workplace safety and staffing shortages that threaten not only patient care, but also the entire provider ecosystem. Nearly 30% of health care workers are considering leaving their profession altogether, and nearly 60% reported impacts to their mental health stemming from their work during the COVID-19 pandemic, according to a 2021 Washington Post-Kaiser Family Foundation survey. And, this unprecedented labor shortage trend is expected to continue through 2022 and beyond according to predictions released by Moody’s.
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Legally Terminating a Physician-Patient Relationship
Medical writer Dr. Naveed Saleh suggests that physicians may choose to terminate care when prioritizing patients’ needs conflicts with a physician’s moral code, causing challenges in their personal life. The AMA also advocates for the preservation of a physician’s right to act within the realm of what their conscience dictates is ethical and appropriate to maintain each individual physician’s integrity.
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Why the Future of Health Care is Mobile
The majority of Electronic Health Records (EHRs) are not mobile friendly, and especially in the behavioral health industry, slower adoption rates are holding the industry back. Today, as companies spend billions of dollars and thousands of hours developing lifesaving medicine and surgical equipment, basic technology adoption continues to be an issue. The health care industry is notorious for clunky, outdated software. These antiquated systems tend to create unnecessary administrative burden, are vulnerable to security risks, and are not mobile friendly.
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6 Reasons Patients Benefit from Virtual Care Offerings
Virtual care – the use of technology to deliver health care – has been part of the patient care landscape for years, but its popularity has surged during the COVID-19 pandemic. What do people need to know about virtual care? Here are six key takeaways.
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3 Solutions to Staff Turnover at Your Practice
Medical practices around the country are experiencing a myriad of challenges, including record levels of turnover, unrealistic expectations from patients, and burnout exacerbated by the continuing pandemic. It’s an unfortunate reality for physicians and healthcare practices, especially when it’s trickling down to the patients’ outcomes in a domino-effect—from the waiting rooms to the often-rushed care due to the increased number of patients. In response, practices have been implementing new technologies to help streamline their processes and revamping benefits for employees.
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How to Ensure That Your Practice Complies With New Stark Regulation Clarifications
As of January 1 new Stark regulation clarifications are in effect, addressing the relationship between physicians and designated health services (DHS) like laboratory services, radiology services, and durable medical equipment and preventing physician efforts to refer Medicare patients to a DHS currently engaged in a financial relationship with the referring physician; this includes intra-practice referrals, which inherently possess a physician-DHS relationship.
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3 Strategies for How Physicians Can Care for Seniors in 2022
With patients choosing to recover and age in the home in record numbers, physicians are being asked to coordinate care with post-acute, home and community-based organizations, and payers at levels never seen previously. This poses a significant challenge for physicians.
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Medicine’s Great Resignation? 1 in 5 Doctors Plan Exit in 2 Years
One in five physicians say it is likely they will leave their current practice within two years. Meanwhile, about one in three doctors and other health professionals say they intend to reduce work hours in the next 12 months, according to recently published survey research.
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