At Physician Factor, we're passionate about supporting the knowledge transfer and shared expertise among physicians to drive improvements across healthcare, as well as career development. Here we spotlight news and trends of interest to physicians in our network.

What is Physician Factor? This knowledge exchange network is a dedicated portal for physicians seeking opportunities to contribute their expertise and input in exchange for compensation and supplemental income.

25Sep 2023

You're Not Abandoning Patients: The Direct Primary Care Model

While some claim it is unethical for physicians to go the direct-pay route, it provides better care to patients. Total costs go down with fewer referrals to specialists, fewer ED visits, and fewer hospitalizations. Given this reduction in total costs yet with greatly improved care and satisfaction, it behooves insurers (including government-sponsored Medicare and Medicaid) and employers to work with these models. They can benefit from lower costs, greater patient satisfaction, and improved health outcomes.

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18Sep 2023

Burnout Growing Among PAs; 8% Plan to Leave

Burnout among doctors and nurses has been well documented in recent years, but physician assistants are also susceptible to this trend, with a National Commission on Certification of Physician Assistants survey showing that 30% have at least one symptom of burnout. Almost 8% say they plan to leave the profession within the next year.

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11Sep 2023

EHRs With Poor Usability More Likely to Miss Medical Errors

As physicians use EHR systems, they often face pop-ups with alerts, reminders, and clinical care guidelines. But many doctors find these notifications to be more distracting than helpful and could be designed better. Research from the University of Utah Health system shows the importance of ease-of-use for physicians. Their findings suggest that EHRs that are difficult to use result in more missed medical errors that could harm patients.

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04Sep 2023

Why Physicians Would Be Wise to Invest in Index Funds

Market investments offer an excellent opportunity for physicians to earn passive income. However, it is not always easy to determine which investments may be most profitable. As such, many physicians lean on financial planners to select specific investment opportunities. According to medical writer Dr. Naveed Saleh, MD, MS, a type of investment known as index funds may be well-suited for physicians, as they are generally low cost, easy to manage, and well-performing. They provide a wide range of market exposure with only slight portfolio changes.

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28Aug 2023

Streamlined Billing Improves Overall Wellness for Patients and Physicians

How can physician practices meet rising patient expectations while also dealing with diminishing human resources? Investing in digital solutions can automate administrative processes and elevate the patient experience. This article spotlights how healthcare organizations can streamline their billing strategy to improve overall wellness and support their revenue cycle teams.

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21Aug 2023

How Physicians Can Be Fairly Compensated for Time Spent Communicating Online With Patients

The use of online communication in physician-patient relationships has skyrocketed in recent years. With positive implications overall, it does require physicians to devote a larger amount of time responding to patients’ inquiries. Several healthcare systems have begun charging patients for the time that providers devote to online communication.

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07Aug 2023

Is Work-From-Home Right for Your Practice?

Medical practices have been forced to make many workplace adjustments to ensure operations ran smoothly and employees were safe and separated during the pandemic. Now some are discovering that employees are reluctant to come back to the office on a full-time basis. There’s never been a better time to shift the traditional practice paradigm to boost employee satisfaction, offer flexibility, and ultimately, attract and retain higher-skilled staff members.

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24Jul 2023

How Patients Are Using Telemedicine

: It’s been more than three years since the COVID-19 pandemic brought telemedicine into widespread use. But with the pandemic over, are Americans still using telemedicine, and if so, for what kinds of care? Review survey findings.

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10Jul 2023

Study: Telehealth Visits Lead to Fewer Follow-Up Visits Than Office Visits

An Epic Research study found that 16 out of 24 specialties had higher follow-up rates within 90 days of an initial office visit than a telehealth visit. This includes mental health, physical medicine and rehabilitation and pain medicine, which all had a more than 20% higher follow-up rate after an in-person office appointment than a telehealth appointment.

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19Jun 2023

AI-Powered Scribe Tool Enables More Patients, Less Burnout

A major issue with primary care, especially value-based care, is how much documentation burden there is for providers: It means hours of "pajama time" with the electronic health record after dinner, and hours of more charting at home on weekends. Dr. Kendell Cannon describes how her primary care practice sifted through the hype of artificial intelligence and found a scribe that does what it promises and enables more patients, less burnout.

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